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  • Writer's pictureDr. Samantha Vanderpool

Putting a Toddler to Sleep

Where do I even begin? Ben and I spend an hour and sometimes even longer putting Henry to sleep. We will NOT lock the door as that is not recommended from our pediatrician. In March 2020 (I did a blog about this) Henry would continue to climb out of the crib

and we had to transition him at only 20 months old to a toddler bed. Henry is two on June 17. Henry drinks his milk while we read him stories and cannot go to sleep on his own.

What do we do when he screams? Runs out the room? And won't go to sleep....Many people said the same suggestions which made me feel we are not alone on this journey as parents. Here are suggestions we were given.

  1. Amping up the toddler bed. Making sure your child knows it is a big boy/big girl bed. They must stay in bed and stay in the room. The first week or so they might play and go in and out, but it was in the room so we would speak through the monitor to "stay in bed."

  2. Keeping a bookshelf next to their bed so they can read on their own.

  3. Night Light "LED Nursery Night Lights for Kids".

  4. Door Monkey - Door Lock & Pinch Guard: Safety Door Lock for Kids.

  5. Hatch Night Light (changes colors when to leave the bed or not).

  6. Rewards systems (use candy, stickers, actual items they want, ice cream, etc.) Example: If trains are their favorite toy, tell them they will play with the train first thing in the AM.

  7. Glow sticks - Give a stick when they go to sleep and if they don't listen take it away.

  8. Use a gate so you don't shut the door.

These are all AMAZING suggestions from our friends. Many I feel are a little too advanced for Henry to understand. What I have learned is ROUTINE. Stick to a routine. Bath, bed, book/milk, GO TO SLEEP. I will keep you all on this journey and update you. I can tell you, once Henry is asleep, he sleeps through the night great and he naps most of the time 2+ hours. HE IS A GREAT SLEEPER. Just hates going to sleep without us rocking him, rubbing his back, and staying in his room until he is asleep.


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